gregorian mode การใช้
- Part 2 ( 7 bars ) follows with the remaining of the text " a cappella " in Gregorian mode.
- Later sources of these other chant traditions show an increasing Gregorian influence, such as occasional efforts to categorize their chants into the Gregorian modes.
- Within each series, there are several possible psalm tones corresponding to the predominant pitch of the antiphon, which may or may not correspond to the " dominant " pitch of Gregorian modes.
- Peudargents musical style is typical for the Flemish school and closely resembles that of composers such as Clemens non Papa, even though Peudargent sticks less to Gregorian modes and strives towards a stronger textual expression.
- According to the Catholic practice, the incipit ( " " Asperges me " " ) is not composed and has to be intoned by the priest in Gregorian mode before the choir is going on.
- As also in the following Mass No . 2 the first verse of the " Credo " is not composed and has to be intoned by the priest in Gregorian mode before the choir is going on.
- On 28 July 1879, Bruckner added a 2-bar, unison " Alleluja " in Gregorian mode, an extra verse " Inveni David " scored for unison male voices with organ accompaniment, and a repeat of the 2-bar " Alleluja ".
- According to the Catholic practice as also in Bruckner s preceding " Mass No . 1 the first verse of the " Gloria " and the " Credo " is not composed and has to be intoned by the priest in Gregorian mode before the choir goes on.
- Although St . Charles Borromeo fought to keep the Ambrosian rite intact during Spanish occupation, a contemporary edition of Ambrosian chant, published by Perego in 1622, attempts to categorize the Ambrosian chants into the eight Gregorian modes, which is not generally accepted as an accurate reflection of the actual musical practice of the time.
- The " Gloria " starts out with the words " " Gloria in excelsis Deo " " and the " Credo " with the words " " Credo in unum Deum " " sung by the whole choir, rather than intoned in Gregorian mode by a soloist, as in Bruckner's previous masses.
- Thus, then, a typical phrase in the most familiar Gregorian mode, such as was daily in the ears of the Rhenish Jews, in secular as well as in ecclesiastical music, was centuries ago deemed suitable for the recitation of the Absolution of Vows, and to it was afterward prefixed an introductory intonation dependent on the taste and capacity of the officiant.
- The pneuma given in the Sarum and Ratisbon antiphonaries ( or Roman Catholic ritual music-books ) as a typical passage in the first Gregorian mode ( or the notes in the natural scale running from " d " to " d " [ " re " to " re " ] ), almost exactly outlines the figure that prevails throughout the Hebrew air, in all its variants, and reproduces one favorite strain with still closer agreement.
- In the same year he published a set of very spare and simple preludes in the eight Gregorian modes ( 1859, without opus number ), which, in Smith's opinion, " seem to stand outside the barriers of time and space ", and which he believes reveal " Alkan's essential spiritual modesty . " These were followed by pieces such as the " 13 Pri鑢es ( Prayers ) ", Op . 64 ( 1865 ), and the " Impromptu sur le Choral de pedalboard alone ( no opus number, 1866 ) and the " Bombardo-carillon " for pedalboard duet ( four feet ) of 1872.
- Adam of St . Victor, Adenet Le Roi, Albertus Parisiensis, Aleyn, Ambitus ( music ), Andreas Staier, Anonymous IV, Audefroi le Batard, Bamberg Codex, Basse danse, Baude Cordier, Beatritz de Dia, Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional, ( music publication stub-- incorrect : not published ) Canso ( song ), centonization, Chantilly Codex, Cornamuse, Crab canon, Dames Margot and Maroie, Ekphonetic notation, Engelberg Codex, Estampie ( band ), Euouae, Falsobordone, Formes fixes, Fran鏾is Andrieu, Gregorian Modes, Heer Halewijn, Heinrich von Ofterdingen, Ivrea Codex, Kassia, Ligature ( music ), Matteo da Perugia, Mensurstrich, Micrologus, Monochord, Monophony, Naker, Odo of Arezzo, Ordo Virtutum, Oswald von Wolkenstein, Pastorela, Planh, Prolation, Psalter ( Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, MS A . I . 14 ), Robertsbridge Codex ( classical composition stub-- incorrect : a book of compositions ), Rote, Sequentia ( music group ), St . Martial School, Thomas Fabri, Tuotilo, Vielle